Crossing the Blues

Beth Ostrosky sexy wallpaper

Pennsylvania native Beth Ostrosky was born in July 1972. Her mother was a relatively accomplished model and ushered Beth Ostrosky into fashion shows when she was only 9 years old. From catwalk work during her years at Fox Chapel High School, Beth Ostrosky was offered several television commercial auditions and this spurned her interest. Having been slowly exposed to the modeling industry, Ostrosky felt it was natural for her to try her hand at a career in it, just like her mother. In order to get the best opportunity in modeling possible, Beth Ostrosky moved to New York City. There, agents and scouts took notice of this tall blonde bombshell and Ostrosky had no shortage of offers. However, after a few low-key campaigns and shows, acting soon seemed more promising than modeling. Ostrosky took the change in stride and appeared as Ben Stiller's love interest in 1996's Flirting with Disaster.

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